
コンセプト Concept

While picture books and children’s books can open doors to worlds of fantasy, many also depict real problems happening to real children. Sadly, the plight of these real children all over the world is showing little sign of improvement.Domestically, news stories abound with cases of cruel abuse, and overseas, at the mercy of their national landscapes, children are caught up in war and terrorism, millions falling victim to innumerable tragedies.

Exploitation and illegal child labor no longer even make the news, depriving us of even the opportunity to learn what is really happening.When smiles disappear from the faces of children, the light of the future disappears with them.As adults, we are faced with a task and a responsibility. What can we do?

まだまだ手探りではありますが、わたしたちにできる小さなミッションをひとつでも果たしたいと願い、Bookcafe daysは産声をあげます。
Bookcafe days was birthed with the intention to take on whatever we can accomplish toward this mission, and continues to search for ways to do this.

認定NPO法人 国境なき子どもたち(KnK)を通して、売り上げの一部を子どもたちへの支援に活用します。お店に足を運んでいただくことが、直接的にも間接的にも、その支援につながっていきます。
While there are limits to what a small café with less than twenty seats can do, part of our earnings go to support children by means of the NPO Kankyo naki Kodomotachi/Children without Borders (KnK).When you come to our shop, whether directly or indirectly, you are participating in that support.

Bookcafe daysの誕生のきっかけは、2008年の夏に訪れたニューヨーク・SOHO にあります。何気なく足を踏み入れたブックカフェ。四方は古書がぎっしりと並べられた書架に埋め尽くされ、椅子やテーブルが配置された居心地のいいスペースが提供されていました。
The spark that ushered Bookcafe days into existence happened in the summer of 2008 in the Soho area of New York City.Ducking into a book café, I saw tables and chairs in a cozy space surrounded by walls with shelves stacked with used books.

People were relaxing, reading books with drinks in hand, served by an all-volunteer staff. And the full proceeds were being donated to the fight against AIDS and support for the homeless.

While not so rare in the United States, to someone like me who was looking for a business approach that would include making a contribution to society, the style seemed fresh and innovative, and needless to say inspired me greatly.

2012年9月3日。残暑のなかにも秋が感じられる季節、Bookcafe days をみなさまにご案内できることを心からうれしく思います。東日本大震災の爪痕と、今なお苦しんでいる多くのひとたちのことも心に置きながら。
September 3, 2012. In the last hot days of summer with a touch of autumn approaching, we are happy to bring to you Bookcafe days.The scars of great Eastern Japan earthquake remaining, and thinking of the many people still suffering.

本について About The Books

Bookcafe days でご用意している本は、ほとんどが子どもに向けてつくられた本です。そして新品ではない、古書が中心です。絵本や児童書と呼ばれる本のなかには、おとなの人にも読んでもらいたい作品がたくさんあります。表紙から始まる物語、ページを開くたびに出会える美しい絵、こころに響く言葉。絵本の世界でしか表現できないものもあります。
Most of the books available at Bookcafe days are for children; most of them are used books, rather than new ones.There are many “picture books” and “children’s books” that I would like adults to read as well. The stories that begin on the front cover, the beautiful pictures on every page, the words that reverberate in our hearts—there are things that can only be expressed in the world of picture books.

I myself only learned as an adult about the wonder of picture books and books intended for children. I believe that what resonates with the sensibilities of children invariably touches and moves us adults as well.Just like first encounters with another human being, encountering a book is a once in a lifetime experience. Is there anything more delightful than a book that you discover by chance becoming a cherished favorite?

It would be our great delight if your own encounter with such a book touches you in a meaningful way.